Rain March
Rain March

Better chance for rain in March

Ellanie Smit
An improvement in rainfall can be expected by the end of February to the beginning of March.

This is according to South African weather expert Johan van den Berg, who said February is usually one of the better rainfall months in Namibia.

“Currently, we are over the middle of February and little rain has been received.”

He further noted that since the beginning of February, extremely high temperatures have been experienced, with some places recording over 40 degrees Celsius.

Van den Berg said high pressure systems over the Indian and Atlantic oceans, the main reason for the dry and warm conditions, are unfavourable for rain.

Rainfall figures

According to the latest rainfall bulletin issued by the Namibia Meteorological Service, the bulk of the //Karas, Hardap, Erongo and southern Kunene regions received poor rainfall below 20mm during January.

However, northern Kunene and most of the northeastern quadrant of the country received between 40mm and 200mm and above.

A few stations in the north and northeast recorded amounts higher than 200mm, such as Sachona (259mm), Enguwantale (209mm), Eheke (205mm), Kasheshe (204mm) and Kaisosi (203mm).

It said in terms of seasonal performance, from 1 October to 31 January, the rainfall performance was mostly below normal for the greater part of Namibia.

“The northern Kunene, Ohangwena, Oshana, Oshikoto and parts of Omusati, Kavango West, Kavango East and Zambezi regions received average rainfall with reference to the departure from its normal for January.”

Rainfall performance from the beginning of the season up to January shows mostly below-normal rainfall performance for the country, the bulletin said.

Slight improvement

Meanwhile, projections for February indicate a likelihood of below-normal rainfall over most of the country.

“A slight improvement is expected over the southeastern parts of //Karas and parts of Ohangwena and Oshikoto. Prospects for the southwestern Namib are normal.”

Despite the improvement in areas with a likelihood of normal to above-normal rainfall, the amount in millimetres is not significant, the bulletin read.

“This is a cause for concern for the country where the seasonal figures received paint a below-normal picture. It is paramount to state that dry conditions are expected to continue over the country for the month of February.”


Namibian Sun 2025-03-25

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