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Tourism expo takes visitors 'beyond borders'

Preparations in full swing
Come rain or shine, the 2023 Namibia Tourism Expo is set to be an unmissable event.
Frank Steffen
Rain or shine, the show must go on! And so preparations for the annual Namibia Tourism Expo - set to be held this Wednesday to Friday at the Windhoek Country Club and Resort - are in full swing.

The weather man assures that on 26 to 28 April, no rain is expected.

The annual expo allows exhibitors to showcase their products and services before the high season starts in Namibia. This is an ideal opportunity to bring together the tourism industry - whether it be members of the hospitality sector or service providers and suppliers.

This year’s theme, 'beyond borders', will be built and expanded on over the next four years as Namibia Media Holdings (NMH) - as the expo's organiser - aims to bring tourism stakeholders from Namibia and neighbouring countries together.

As such, visitors will once again be able to sample South African wines for example, while planning cross-border trips.

10th latitude

NMH has always believed in promoting countries that find themselves on or south of the 10th latitude. This year, the focus lies on the four transboundary parks that join Namibia with its neighbours, reducing borders to a mere formality serving human purposes.

In the spotlight are the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA), the Skeleton Coast/Iona TFCA, the /Ai-/Ais-Richtersveld Transfrontier Park and the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.

Namibia's north-eastern parts form part of the KAZA TFCA, while the Skeleton Coast/Iona TFCA covers the north-western Namib Desert and runs into Angolan territory.

/Ai-/Ais-Richtersveld spans a large part of the Succulent Karoo Biome and joins Namibia with South Africa irrespective of the Orange River, and Kgalagadi, which does not formally include Namibia, links the Land of the Brave to Botswana and South Africa via a direct border point.


Namibian Sun 2025-03-03

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