Sun Digit

Explanation of the 4 digit code

How to get past the paywall

  • If you already are a paid-up subscriber to Namibian Sun you will not see the next screen (if you're logged in)
  • Step 1 is to sign in with a profile (compulsory for everyone)
  • Step 2 key the 4 digit code in today's newspaper. If it is after 11:59 am all you need to do is sign in, the app will be open. For 12 midday you require a 4 digit code or must be a subscriber to read articles online.

The 4 digit code will always be on page 6 of the newspaper - top right hand corner

How to get past the paywall

Then once you go to the website and the little pop-up window shows, just add the 4 digit code (as shown below)

How to get past the paywall