Aid for shack fire victims
In response to a devastating fire that broke out on 1 March, leaving four Windhoek families destitute with all their belongings destroyed – and a total of 27 people homeless – government, through the Moses ?Garoëb constituency office in Windhoek, yesterday handed over building materials, including 60 corrugated iron sheets and 30 poles, to help the affected families rebuild their homes from the ashes.
Each household also received essential food supplies, including 5 kg of rice, 750 litres of cooking oil and canned fish, to help them through this difficult time.
- Aurelia Afrikaner
Each household also received essential food supplies, including 5 kg of rice, 750 litres of cooking oil and canned fish, to help them through this difficult time.
- Aurelia Afrikaner
Namibian Sun
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