TO SAFER ROADS: The Namibian Police together with Namibia Breweries Limited, launched a road safety campaigns aimed at responsible driving. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED
TO SAFER ROADS: The Namibian Police together with Namibia Breweries Limited, launched a road safety campaigns aimed at responsible driving. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED

Police urge responsible driving

News in short
Ogone Tlhage
Inspector General of the Namibian Police Joseph Shikongo has urged the driving public to exercise responsible drinking habits going into the festive season.

Speaking at the launch of the 2022/23 Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL) campaign, he said most problems on public roads start with a sip of alcohol.

“Experience has shown that when laws are not accompanied by an effective system of education and enforcement, they fail to have their desired effect or outcome,” he said, adding that drivers are unaware of the likely consequences of their drinking habits.

“It is a fact that some drivers and other road users are often unaware of the risks they run when drinking, and tend to undervalue the protective effects of legislation,” he said.

He further welcomed the timing of the public awareness campaign, saying it could lead to a decline in traffic law violations.


Namibian Sun 2025-03-15

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