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Seasons greetings to the Namibian nation

Professor Paul John Isaak
When thinking about our Namibian nation, I have one central image: We are all joined together in the spirit of Ubuntu, Khoexasib in Khoekhoengowab or menslikheid in Afrikaans or, in English: I am a human being because I recognise in you the same humanness and that you are a human being like me. I am because you are.

In the spirit of Ubuntu, there is always mutual sharing. As a human being, I cannot just close my eyes when I see fellow Namibians suffering; for example, due to lack of food. I shall pull together what I have and share it with my hungry brother/sister/comrade. That is the spirit of Ubuntu.

This festive season follows shortly after our elections.

We have elected our political leaders in the spirit of democracy, entrusting them to lead us towards peace, justice for all and equitable access to our natural resources. We pray that they will strive to achieve these essential ingredients of democracy for which they were elected.

They have been tasked with being held accountable to ensure that leaders and decision-makers are answerable for their actions and decisions. It provides people with mechanisms to ensure that promises are kept, resources are used judiciously and the well-being of people and planet remains at the forefront. It carves out paths to justice and offers remedies for grievances.


I am deeply disturbed by the realities of Namibian people on the ground: the ever-widening gap between a few rich Namibians at the expense of a majority who remain poor or are getting poorer, the high unemployment rates, especially among the most productive part of the society, the youth. The increase of gender-based violence and rape.

These realities blur the peaceful atmosphere that is so needed.

Namibia has been a peaceful country since independence in 1990.

We, as Namibians, live together in peace and harmony in the spirit of Ubuntu. But the ugliness of these evils of joblessness, the realities where the majority of our society, which has sufficient resources, are poor, and the increase of gender-based violence and rape are daily sinful realities. These realities dampen the atmosphere of a supposed joyful festive season.

It threatens the Christmas spirit.

This is a time to spend with the people you love, to reflect on the year that is winding down and to look to the future. Let’s be grateful for our blessings, especially in these trying times, and let’s not forget to reach out to others who may need us at this time of giving.

Engage your family and friends in your spirit of giving and remind them of how good it feels to consider the needs of others before their own in the true spirit of Ubuntu.

It is, therefore, my desire and prayer that this time of celebrating the birth of Jesus offers all of us opportunities to rejuvenate for the work that awaits us in 2025 as we continue working together for life, peace, justice and dignity.

We must all strive to be inspired by a deep-seated love of our country, without regard to race, colour, gender or our station in life.

Or to quote from the Namibian Constitution, the right of the individual to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, regardless of race, colour, ethnic origin, sex, religion, creed or social or economic status.

If we adhere to the principles of our constitution, then there shall be throughout all of Namibia the securement, for all our citizens, of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity – Ubuntu.

We must strive to be moved by a generosity of spirit that will enable us to outgrow the hatred and conflicts of the past. We must anchor all our efforts in the common determination to build a Namibian society that will be the envy of the world. We look to the next year with hope. May we continue to draw from the deep wells of resilience, humanity and compassion that make us who we are.

*Professor Paul John Isaak is a former Unam professor and former chief electoral officer of the ECN.


Namibian Sun 2025-03-04

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