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Ruacana shortcut to benefit the north
Ruacana shortcut to benefit the north

Ruacana shortcut to benefit the north

Ileni Nandjato
NamPower is constructing a direct transmission line from the Ruacana hydropower station into the northern regions.

Despite the regions' proximity to the hydropower station, they are currently getting power through Omaruru and Tsumeb.

To shorten the transmission line, a new substation is planned south of Ruacana.

A 400kV power line will be built from the new Kunene substation to the existing Omatando substation to substantially increase the power supply capacity to Oshakati, Ondangwa and surrounding areas.

This line will form part of a bigger future project to create a 400kV northern ring. This will ensure redundant power supply to the northern regions and will cater for the integration of the future Baynes hydropower station.

Nampower managing director Kahenge Simson Haulofu outlined these plans during an information session at the Ongwediva Annual Trade Fair on Tuesday.

Haulofu said Nampower had embarked on an N$800 million project that included construction of the Kunene substation, refurbishment of the Omatando substation and the 190km transmission line between the two substations.

Nampower has contracted a Tsumeb-based company, Powerline 2000, to build the power line.

Haulofu said the Omatando substation would become the main substation supplying power to the north.

“This is a direct feed link to the regions, avoiding the longer routes that sometimes experience many interruptions that leave the regions without power although they are close to the Ruacana hydropower station. The current link supplies them from Ruacana to Omaruru and then Tsumeb. If anything happens on that line there is no power in the north and that is what we don't want anymore,” Haulofu explained.



Namibian Sun 2025-03-12

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