Ongandjera palace opens mahangu
Ongandjera palace opens mahangu

Ongandjera palace opens mahangu

Ileni Nandjato
The Ongandjera palace at Uukwandongo has opened its mahangu stores in an effort to supplement government's drought-relief programme, which according to Queen Andreheid Mupiya is not enough.

The queen opened the palace's mahangu stores on Saturday and King Johannes Mupongolitha Mupiya and his senior headmen distributed mahangu to community members.

This is a repeat of 2016 when community members were invited to bring containers to the palace to receive mahangu.

“As from September last year the palace has been receiving people from all over Ongandjera requesting mahangu, indicating that the drought's impact is severe because there was no harvest last year. Due to the situation, we just kept giving those who were coming to the palace. But now that we see there is enough rain, we decided to call the entire community,” Queen Mupiya said.

“The palace has mahangu that belongs to the community. It is just stored at the palace. Community members are the ones who cultivate and harvest it every year from the palace's mahangu field. It is customary for those finding themselves without something to eat to come and get mahangu from the palace, but this year the need is very high.”

Queen Mupiya said the palace has enough mahangu to assist those seriously in need.

She said the palace directed headmen to identify those severely affected by the drought so they can collect mahangu.

She also encouraged community members to continue cultivating the palace's mahangu field.

Those given mahangu were urged not to sell it, but rather use it to feed their families.



Namibian Sun 2025-03-28

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