Olye e na oshinakugwanithwa shokutonatela omagumbo ga tungwa kohi yopoloyeka yomass housing?
Inashi yelamo natango kutya olye e na oshinakugwanithwa shokutonatela omagumbo gaantu mboka haya mono iiyemo yi li pevi ngoka ga tungwa kepangelo kohi yopoloyeka tayi ithanwa mass housing momudhingoloko gwaKaisosi moRundu.
KENYA KAMBOWEOmagumbo geli po 34 momudhingoloko ngoka oga li ga yonagulwa koshikungulu oshinene muDesemba gwomvula yo 2017, ihe sigo onena omagumbo mboka inaya tungululwa nenge ga ...
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Namibian Sun
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