Mysterious fires torment family
Mysterious fires torment family

Mysterious fires torment family

Ileni Nandjato
Shock and panic have gripped a family that is being troubled by mysterious fires which in July this year claimed the life of an 88-year-old pensioner.

The latest incident - one of eleven strange fires at the property since 6 July this year - happened last Saturday. The family from Okathitu-B village in the Otamanzi constituency in the Omusati Region is now living in perpetual fear. When Namibian Sun visited the homestead yesterday, the owner of the property, Albertina Iita Mukwiilongo, was at pains to explain their ordeal.

Her tearful daughter, Christofina Shetunyenga, claimed the mysterious fires have been wreaking havoc since 6 July this year when it claimed their grandmother Josefina Mwetutala, who was sleeping in one of the burnt rooms.

“The first day the fire started my mother was preparing lunch for children who were about to return from school, while my grandmother was in her room, which is far from the kitchen,” said a distraught Shetunyenga.

“She (the mother) told us that she got the smell of something burning, but could not make out where the fire was coming from. Later she saw smoke coming from the window.” She added that her mother tried to save their grandmother but it was too late as she had already died.

“My mother was also burned, but she was lucky because neighbours came to rescue her from the fire. She was traumatised and since that day she became feeble,” Shetunyenga said.

The family has since experienced the strange fires for an umpteenth time, with the last incident reported last week. The fire destroyed all their documents as well as the mahangu grain in their storage. The family has since been sleeping outside in the open. The incident was reported to the village headman's assistant, but Okathitu-B village headman Josefat Uunona claims the incident was not reported to him on time since he does not reside in the village.

“My assistant did not report the matter to me. I only got to hear of it when I visited the village at the beginning of the month. They informed me that the homeowner is traumatised following the mother's death and the continuous burning of her home. It is a very unfortunate situation,” Uunona said. The regional councillor for Otamanzi constituency, Johannes Iiyambo, said the mysterious fires were only reported to him last week.

“After I heard about it I went to visit them last week Wednesday and I found another room burning. Our office is looking at all alternatives to see how we can help them,” Iiyambo said.

The Omusati police confirmed Mwetutala's death as a result of the fire. However, not all fire incidents were reported to them.



Namibian Sun 2024-12-19

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