Lion rangers critical for Kunene
Lion rangers critical for Kunene

Lion rangers critical for Kunene

Ellanie Smit
In just three months, a human-wildlife support unit responded to 26 cases of conflict situations between humans and lions in the Kunene Region.

From May to July the unit completed a total of 19 patrols covering over 8 870 km in the region.

According to a report by Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC) this is an impressive record for the team of three, which consists of Cliff Tjikundi, German Muzuma and Linus Mbomboro.

The team is often joined by members of the environment ministry and conservancy game guards, who are trained lion rangers.

IRDNC says that response and monitoring activities mostly involve tracking predator movements and notifying farmers of any apprehensions, while patrol activities involve regular visits to conflict-prone areas known to be in and around the Anabeb, Sesfontein, Purros, Omatendeka and Ehi-Rovipuka conservancies.

“Despite the unit's crucial work in the region, a few challenges continue to persist, namely the lack of funds for the lion ranger programme, retaliatory acts by farmers due to conflicts rising drastically, reluctance of conservancies to engage in the programme and the slow implementation of mitigation measures due to financial constraints and increased conflict,” IRDNC said.

It said in May the team repeatedly responded to a very persistent male lion in the Puros/Orupembe area, resulting in its relocation away from Puros, only for it to come straight back after three days, passing through the Khumeb River towards Orupembe and reaching as far as Rooidrum in the Marrienflus Conservancy.

In the month of June, the team assisted with annual game counts in the northwest lion areas, which include Torra, Anabeb, Sesfontein, Ehi-Rovipuka, Purros and Otjikondavirongo. This forms part of the region's lion monitoring strategy.

According to IRDNC, a meeting was also held in Swakopmund to further refine strategies concerning the North-West Lion Management Plan, including implementation plans by stakeholders, decisions on best practices, funding, decisions on the operation of the central server system, sustainability and the security of the systems.

In July, the team continued with lion monitoring and response activities with lion rangers and the environment ministry, helping to ease conflict and stopping farmers from taking radical measures against the feline heavyweights. The unit also rendered assistance to Desert Lion Conservation, in terms of collaring and translocations.

According to IRDNC the next three months will be very busy for the team and its partners, as it plans to expand the lion ranger programme to every affected conservancy in Kunene, as well as the Erongo Region.

The team is also planning to establish fixed patrol routes in hotspot areas and advance their data collection and communication efforts.

Recommendations made by Kunene stakeholders included that a fully functional on-foot lion rangers' team is a critical priority for conservancies, while raising awareness and educating farmers on how to handle conflict situations better is also vital.

Making use of more efficient collars and possibly having all stakeholders investing in human-conflict management were also identified as important.



Namibian Sun 2025-03-19

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