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Engineering duo challenge conventions
Engineering duo challenge conventions

Engineering duo challenge conventions

Engineers Frans Namuhuya and Valeria Mbango are determined to shape up the engineering scene locally, having acquired the rights to operate Cape Town based Geoplast and Cobute franchise.
Yanna Smith
Call them crazy, but TeSik Group founders Frans Namuhuya and Valeria Mbango feel that they have found the perfect solution to the country's engineering woes. So much so that Namuhuya has left his cushy job while Mbango is still struggling to find her feet in a male-dominated industry.

A quick sit down and the vision is made clear, these two disruptors want to transform the engineering world.

Tired of being confined to his mundane eight to five, Namuhuya decided that it was time to take the leap and left his job. “Personally I could not handle an eight-to-five job. Being a civil engineer by profession intrinsically means that we constantly have to find ways to make life sustainable,” he said.

Both have pointed out that the current housing backlog presents an exciting opportunity for their company.

“Housing delivery and the high cost of construction in Namibia present an interesting challenge and opportunity.”

The road has not been easy with Namuhuya stating that penetrating a niche engineering and construction market isn't easy. “You find that people within this industry are extremely conservative, unimaginative and not always accepting of new technologies.” They added that you will find that many of these individuals are middle- to senior-aged and are stuck in doing things the only way they believe it can be done which is the old-school, traditional, conventional way.

All their products are based on the South Africa Bureau of Standards, International Organisation of Standardisation and Agreement Accreditation and other tried and tested and sound engineering principles, but people still have walls of scepticism. “But we have faith that there will be a tipping point where ours and similar solutions become a standardised industry norm,” they said.

“The challenges at times have been discouraging but this is just an opportunity to learn on how to better approach the market.

Rejection is part of the learning curve, not all mind-sets can be convinced to do things differently,” Namuhuya and Mbango added.

And there the conversation begins. Both lay out their vision for their engineering company; TeSik Group which they believe will challenge conventions in the engineering fraternity.

While Mbango is not always present, she says that it has not been easy to strike a balance between work, business and her studies.

She is currently pursuing a Master's in Project Management and says that she hardly gets time to sleep.

Both have a deep sense of pride in what they have been able to achieve and have attracted attention from big players in the engineering fraternity. “We have had successful engagements with some major role players in the industry such as Sahara Commodities with our foundation solution at Elisenheim currently under construction by OJ Construction, NMC Namibia with foundation solutions at Town Lodge Grove Mall, NHE with our foundation solutions and Windhoek Consulting Engineers (WCE) as independent engineers, Prinsloo Drilling with formwork, OJ Construction with formwork and Nexus Building Contractor with formwork, to mention just a few. We are about to complete full commissioning of the TeSik Decking factory,” they add

With the current downturn in the economy they concluded by ushering in upcoming black engineers. “You have an idea that you believe will work because you are confident in your knowledge and skills.

Take the leap of faith; do not get caught in the rat race of having an expensive car or nice flat.

The reward comes in making a change to your industry. Understand who you are as a person - your strengths and weakness.

You have to be willing to start from humble beginnings, maintain 100% discipline whilst executing your business plan, and remember it's not a race. Enjoy the journey.”



Namibian Sun 2025-03-29

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