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Development of towns, villages can lower people influx

The City of Windhoek has signed memorandums of co-operation with towns elsewhere in the country.
The development of towns and villages around the country will lower the influx of people to Windhoek in search of employment and better basic services, Windhoek mayor Muesee Kazapua has said.

Kazapua was speaking at the joint signing ceremony of the memorandums of co-operation between the City of Windhoek (CoW), Outjo municipality, Otavi Town council, Opuwo town council and Otjinene village council in the capital on Thursday.

“We have over the years witnessed the rapid and high influx of our people to urban areas in search of job opportunities and a better life,” Kazapua said.

As a result of the migration from rural to urban, he added, it has placed pressure on Windhoek as a capital city and hub for economic activities.

He said that nevertheless, CoW still has the obligation to assist other local authorities of towns as well as villages in Namibia to promote intergovernmental relationships through capacity building initiatives, technical assistance and experience sharing.

The cooperation agreements renewed the commitment with Otavi and Opuwo, whereas this will be the first time that Outjo and Otjinene will enter into the joint agreement with CoW.

Speaking at the same event, Otavi mayor Martha Shipanga said as a result of the cooperation, Otavi has re-established its fire-fighting and emergency service and built a fire station which can now respond to various disasters and emergencies and is equipped with qualified personnel.

Meanwhile, Opuwo mayor Albert Tjiuma explained that the renewal of the agreement with CoW can help his town to deal with basic service delivery obstacles limiting the town from becoming a tourism and mining hub.

Tjiuma pointed out that there are two major challenges – the sudden increase of the town’s water bill to the Namibia Water Corporation, as well as waste management, which he hopes the agreement will assist in alleviating.

Otavi mayor Sam !Oe-Amseb said CoW’s cooperation will also help his town with solid waste management, informal settlement service delivery strategies as well as economic and housing development. - Nampa


Namibian Sun 2025-03-17

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