Debates start in Oshana
Debates start in Oshana

Debates start in Oshana

Herma Prinsloo
Friday marked the start of the 2016 Oshana Regional Debate to determine the regional team of seven debaters that will represent the region at the Namibian Schools Debating Association (NSDA) Championship in Swakopmund this year.
Five teams competed all day Saturday at the Ongwediva Teachers Resource Centre (OTRC) located at HP UNAM Campus. Twenty of the best debaters debated the following motions: this house believes that baby dumping is a direct consequence of poverty, this house will delink the Namibian dollar from the South African rand, and this house will limit the economic activities of the Chinese in Namibia. The quarterfinal, semi-final and final rounds were unprepared motions.
Debate competitions have been on the increase in the North with many former debaters volunteering to work with the government to plan and host other competitions. Earlier in the year, Gabriel Taapopi SSS from Oshana won a competition at the Oshana Regional Library in Oshakati in the final round against Canisianum SSS from Omusati. That competition saw debaters from each of the four O-regions competing against one another.
After this weekend’s regional competition, Oshana will host circuit competitions to find the best school to represent the region at the Namibian Public Speaking & Debate Cup in Windhoek this year.
Oshana is looking to foster more growth in debate through these circuit competitions which will take place on Saturdays at the following locations: Ompundja Circuit at the OTRC on 25 June, Oluno Circuit at the Rössing Foundation on 2 July, Onamutai Circuit at Onamutai SSS on 9 July, Eheke Circuit at Eheke SSS on 16 July and Oshakati Circuit at Oshana Regional Library on 23 July.
There are now two national debating competitions for secondary school learners. Debating is considered a wonderful platform for learners to express themselves through speaking, learn critical thinking skills and to learn how to conquer the fear of public speaking. Countless leaders were once debaters, such as Nelson Mandela, Ghandi and Abraham Lincoln to name a few.
The best debate teams practice often and on their own time. Reading newspapers, blogs and watching television news are the best ways to stay informed in order to be a fierce competitor. Many learners struggle with the stress of public speaking, but with practice and staying calm everyone can speak in front of a small crowd of people.
Lastly, debate takes place in the English language which can be a hindrance for many. Just remember that most other learners will have the same difficulties with speaking this foreign language as you and do not let this prevent you from trying debating. Namibia needs debaters so that the next generation of citizens are informed, critically thinking and able to stand up to lead.



Namibian Sun 2025-02-12

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