21 Brigade crowned netball champs
21 Brigade crowned netball champs

21 Brigade crowned netball champs

The 21 Brigade netball club of the Suiderhof Military Base in Windhoek were crowned the netball champions of the Uukwangula annual sports festival on Thursday.

The four-day event featuring football and netball started on Wednesday at Embandu village in the Oshana Region.

The netball club is part of the 21 Brigade Sports Club which represents the ministry of defence at the Uukwangula Sports Festival every year.

Only four netball teams competed in the sports festival which saw 21 Brigade netball club walking away with a trophy for the second time after topping the group with 143 points.

Cobra came in second place with 98 points followed by Ogongo in the third position after collecting 68 points.

The teams in the football category will play their finals on Saturday.

After winning the finals, 21 Brigade netball team captain Fransina Johannes said her team has a pool of talented and experienced players.

“For 21 Brigade winning the competition was a walkover since some teams are struggling to establish themselves in terms of composure and experience,” she boasted.

The 21 Brigade netball team coach Absai Hangula, said the club prepared well for the competition and that discipline and hard work have always been the cornerstone of their success over the years.

“I'm excited about the overall performance and the win,” he said.

Ndeshipanda Kambeyo, the coach of Cobra netball club said her team was determined to scoop a prize from the beginning of the competition but is happy to get the second spot.

She further stressed her dissatisfaction with netball development in rural areas, especially the lack of training facilities.

The Uukwangula Annual Sports Festival was initiated in 1999 by community members in the Oshana Region to bring people from different cultural and social backgrounds together to celebrate the first day of the New Year while promoting sport.

Winning teams and individuals received trophies, medals and cash prizes.



Namibian Sun 2025-03-04

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