Learners at Keetmanshoop Secondary SchoolPhoto: Ndapewa Kalipi
Learners at Keetmanshoop Secondary SchoolPhoto: Ndapewa Kalipi

School dropouts

Ndapewa Kalipi
Education has become one of the key development objectives in recent times; however, there are plenty of learners dropping out of school.

Studies on school dropouts often begin with high school learners, but it occurs in the middle grades as well. A school dropout is typically defined as a learner who quits school, representing a complex interplay of factors ranging from personal circumstances to systematic deficiencies such as socioeconomic factors, unwanted pregnancies or family circumstances.

An increase in dropouts means an increase in unemployment, as the majority of dropouts don't have any kind of job and this can have an effect on the country's economy. In most cases, they then get involved in illegal activities and end up behind bars.

To avoid this, learners need individualised support as well as personalised learning programmes, namely tutors, counsellors or psycho-social support. On top of that, parents should be more supportive and involved in their child's life and should communicate with their child on a daily basis.

Let's make a change and end dropping out of school... Remember, we are the future generation.


Namibian Sun 2025-03-09

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