Traut takes the hot seat

NC picks their man
Jochen Traut has taken up the challenge as the newly appointed interim secretary general role at the NFA.
Limba Mupetami


Jochen Traut, who has extensive football experience, has been appointed as the new interim secretary general (SG) of the Namibia Football Association (NFA) with immediate effect, the Fifa Normalisation Committee (NC) announced yesterday. As part of its mandate to normalise local football, the NC has embarked on a comprehensive recruitment process to appoint an interim SG on a fixed-term of 12 months to support the committee to run the daily affairs of the football house, amongst other key deliverables.

The position is specifically linked to the mandate of the NC, and according to a press statement, once a new executive committee is appointed, the latter will further appoint a new substantive leader for the administration and operations of the association.


Traut is an ICT professional who held several senior executive positions in the industry. He was also instrumental in the set-up of numerous ICT companies in the country, and became expert at company turn-around strategy and change management.

At the same time, he nurtured his passion for the sport of football, coaching youth football at various levels in schools. In addition, Traut helped with the set-up of the SKW Youth Football Academy which continues to run successfully to date.

When the SKW senior team was promoted to the then Namibia Premier League (NPL), Traut not only managed the team, but also served on the board of governors of the NPL for a period of five years.


Bisey Uirab, chairman of the NC, said “Traut is of the calibre required to support the NC in normalising the beautiful game of football. He is a well-rounded professional with a wealth of expertise in management and leadership, finance, turnaround strategy as well as technical football experience,”

“He is outspoken forthright, a forward-thinking individual who operates well on all levels within a team and in a multicultural environment,” he added.

Traut holds a B.Com degree from Unisa, a senior management programme qualification from Stellenbosch and numerous other ICT and management related short-course qualifications. He takes over from Jacqueline Gertze who served as the acting SG for the past few months.

Gertze returns to her substantive job, which is to manage the Women Football Centre.


Namibian Sun 2025-03-19

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