
EDITORIAL: The last dance for 2024

2024 can be described as a tumultuous year in many ways, one characterised by the good, the bad and the ugly.

But one thing is certain for us here at Namibian Sun: our 2024 journey was not one we walked alone, but rather one that involved our valuable stakeholders – our readers! Through our news gathering and dissemination processes, we might not always have dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s, but one thing we know for sure is that we have poured every bit of energy and passion into telling the story as it is. We’ve faced several legal threats and even issued retractions when we got it wrong, but one thing is certain – the applause and congratulatory messages for the work we do far exceed the shortcomings. Our mandate to educate and inform our readers remains a central pillar of the work we do at Namibian Sun. Hence, every bit of input from our readers, sources and contributors has received the attention it deserves without fear or favour. We are committed to telling stories ranging from those yearning for a dignified life while living in abject poverty, graduates sitting at home jobless, mothers selling kapana to pay for their children’s education and the government’s efforts to improve the lives of its citizens. As we deliver this final print edition for the year, we wish our readers and all stakeholders a restful, safe and reenergising festive season.


Namibian Sun 2025-02-21

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