Aalumentu oonakuyaka nokudhipaga ombwa yaantu ya pewa obooloha
Mwene gwombwa a nika oluhodhi okwa ti ‘nashi hule shokuyaka nokudhipaga oombwa dhaantu’
Oshipotha shika natango oshe etitha oompata kombinga yuuthemba wiinamwenyo nehepeko lyawo, naanandjungu mepopilo lyuuthemba wawo otaya pula opo ooveta dha yaga kegonga dhi tulwe miilonga nomageelo ga kale omadhigu.
MOmpangu yaMangestrata gwaShiwakopo omwa li aantu ya yemata mEtitatu, sho aafekelwa yatatu taya tamanekelwa okuyaka po ombwa yaantu nokuyi landitha po koodola omathele gaali komula...
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Namibian Sun
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