Karte des Kaokovelds. • Foto: Google Earth
Karte des Kaokovelds. • Foto: Google Earth

Kaokoland harbour on the cards again

Study commissioned for ‘Atlantic City’
A mayor project harking back to the 80s is now set to become a reality.
Brigitte Weidlich
A company plans to realise government’s long-cherished plan to develop the Cape Fria bay into a large port.

Kaoko Fria Investment is set to build the ‘Atlantic City’ metropolis in the hinterland of the harbour. Developer Michael Petrus also wants to develop a separate green hydrogen project near Purros.

Petrus, the founder of Kaoko Fria Investment, has officially commissioned an environmental study for the project.

Cape Fria is located in the Skeleton Coast National Park in the former Kaokoland on the same latitude as the Etosha Pan, and is part of the Kunene Region.

The surrounding area with its breathtaking landscapes is considered one of the last true wildernesses in Namibia and Africa in general.

Long-term phases

EnviroLeap Consulting recently announced the study, adding that the future long-term phases of the proposed development will include the harbour as a 'gateway port' for imports and exports, which will also serve as a dry port for Katima Mulilo.

A ‘smart city’ is set to be created with commercial zones for energy production, seawater desalination and an undefined production centre. Commercial areas will be provided for mining and mineral processing.

Tourism, housing, schools, food production and environmental management will also be provided for.

Roads are planned, with a railway and an airport to link the harbour with the rest of Namibia and the world.

Long time coming

There were already plans to build a normal or deep-sea harbour at Cape Fria in the early 80s. In 2008, a pre-feasibility study for a future facility was carried out and completed. However, NamPort was against the idea of a third port in Namibia at the time, as Walvis Bay was not - and apparently is still not - sufficiently utilised.

Angola had also started to expand its southern port of Lobito at the time.

Interested and affected parties can send comments to EnviroLeap via [email protected] by 15 December.


Namibian Sun 2025-03-13

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