Outgoing finance boss exposes Nipam head

Ogone Tlhage
The Namibian Institute of Public Administration and Management's (Nipam) executive director Maria Nangolo is facing abuse-of-power accusations after she reportedly interfered in management affairs, violated transport and procurement policies and splurged on personal luxuries - such as make-up - with the company credit card.

These startling revelations are contained in a grievance by Nipam's outgoing finance boss Mino Gariseb, sent to governance council member Theo Mberirua last month.

Nangolo and Gariseb have not been seeing eye to eye, with the latter accusing his superior of usurping her powers, bypassing him on key decisions and, in some cases, working directly with his subordinates.

The alleged abuse of company resources claims were wide-ranging, including paying for make-up and groceries as well as handpicking suppliers, pocketing petty cash and illegally approving expenditure.

According to the complaint, Nangolo also reportedly makes use of Nipam vehicles, despite enjoying vehicle allowance perks.

"The executive director gets a vehicle allowance, however, she is picked up and dropped off by Nipam drivers with Nipam vehicles at Nipam cost. There are instances [of the] executive director being driven to the airport and back on non-Nipam business," he said.

Personal escort

Nangolo had also requested that a Nipam vehicle drive to the north to escort her around - despite there already being a Nipam delegation in the area for the same purpose, Gariseb said.

"The purpose was for the driver to drive the executive director around in the north and return to Windhoek alone again. The cost involved is driver accommodation, fuel cost and possible overtime. The approval of these expenditure is illegal as a non-staff member signed as acting executive director."

Gariseb also accused Nangolo of using the company’s credit card to shop for personal items.

"Nipam has a Spar card that is used for Nipam purchases, however, the card is kept at the executive director's office for her exclusive use. The expenditure does not pass through the established Nipam procurement processes and purchases are made at will."

Petty cash for face beat

He added that Nangolo dipped into Nipam's petty cash to pay for a make-up artist, who - meanwhile - did not receive the money.

"Petty cash was withdrawn to make a payment to Hannah Pineas to have make-up done on the executive director for an accredited programme photoshoot. However, Pineas was never paid. The person who signed for the cash gave it to Miss Puye, who is the executive director's secretary, and Puye says it was given to the executive director," he said.

Nangolo's conduct necessitated the involvement of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Gariseb told Mberirua.

"I wanted to discuss these with you in person as it might have characteristics that need to be reported to the ACC. All items above fall within my responsibility and it is very disheartening when the executive director is involved in such activities. I believe I have done my fiduciary duty by informing you," he wrote.

Wasn't me

Responding to the allegations, Nangolo said she was not in control of the institute's Spar card as alleged by Gariseb.

"The executive director is not the custodian of the Spar card, but the above-mentioned person [Gariseb]. Kindly contact executive assistant Hendrina Halueendo with questions related to groceries. The receipts are also signed off - my signature is not on any of that," she said.

Nangolo further denied having any powers to sign off petty cash.

"With regard to make-up and petty cash, I do not hold petty cash and never ever did I receive petty cash from Nipam. Please request from Mr Gariseb the vouchers which are signed off for petty cash. I have never ever signed off a voucher.

"The evidence I have is that three staff members are signatories and I am not one of them. It is basic governance. The person who signed off is the responsible party," she said.

Mberirua was not available for comment yesterday.


Namibian Sun 2025-03-13

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