Drought relief aid targets rural inhabitants

Augetto Graig
Government's drought aid initiative is aimed at providing food aid to 341 855 households, as approximately 1.4 million people in Namibia are classified as vulnerable to food shortages.

This is according to the chief spokesperson at the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), Rhingo Mutambo.

OPM released a comprehensive statement on drought relief in Namibia last Thursday.

Mutambo said drought aid is earmarked only for rural areas, where drought is hampering agricultural activities.

He argued that urban residents are not eligible for drought aid, but can seek assistance from the gender equality, poverty eradication and social welfare ministry to benefit from one of the government's other welfare interventions.

Millions spent

Any rural household must earn less than N$3 200 per month and receive no other assistance from the government in order to register and qualify.

Drought relief includes food, seed and horticultural assistance, livestock support and water provision.

Each household should receive 20 kg of maize meal, four tins of fish, and one 750-ml bottle of cooking oil per month. Previously, only 12.5 kg of maize meal per household was provided.

The government has budgeted N$600 million for food assistance, N$100 million for livestock support, N$25 million for seed and horticultural assistance, and N$100 million for water supply.

Billions in aid

From 1 July this year to 10 June next year, government estimates that drought relief will cost the country N$1.307 billion. However, the government can only allocate N$825 million, leaving a shortfall of N$482 million that still needs to be funded.

The food is transported by government trucks, or hired trucks, from regional warehouses to the relevant constituencies and distribution points.

Mutambo acknowledged that logistical problems, planning issues and a shortage of manpower are being experienced. Where food is not delivered monthly, the affected households should receive all outstanding food as soon as logistical arrangements permit, he explained.

Innovative, oversight

The government is also in the process of implementing an e-voucher system, which allows beneficiaries to use a voucher to purchase food at a store, he said.

Mutambo said Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila launched the system in October last year in the Okatana constituency in the Oshana Region, and the expansion of the system to other regions is ongoing.

'The system will enable the issuance of vouchers to identified beneficiaries, who in turn will be able to purchase the approved food items under the programme at local retail stores on a monthly basis."

Mutambo said it is difficult to determine how much food spoils before it can be distributed, but that "so far, no concerning reports of food spoilage have been received since the start of the drought programme."

Protocols and the involvement of health inspectors are aimed at avoiding spoiled food in state warehouses, he said.

"‘Yes, there have been unforeseen isolated cases where drought relief food was stolen and mismanaged. Where such incidents occur, Namibian law enforcement has responded quickly and offenders will be apprehended or dealt with accordingly based on the charges laid,’ he said.

The crop assessment and vulnerability analysis will determine whether the drought relief programme will continue after next June, he added.

[email protected]


Namibian Sun 2025-02-25

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