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  • Redouble efforts to combat rape – Oshikoto governor
STOP IT: Oshikoto governor, Penda Ya Ndakolo says rape continues to be a problem in Oshikoto region especially towards minors.
STOP IT: Oshikoto governor, Penda Ya Ndakolo says rape continues to be a problem in Oshikoto region especially towards minors.

Redouble efforts to combat rape – Oshikoto governor

Child rape often perpetrated by close relatives
The Oshikoto Region has seen a decline in reported cases of rape, but gender-based violence remains a serious concern.
Kenya Kambowe
Oshikoto Governor Penda Ya Ndakolo has expressed serious concerns about the rape of minors by close relatives, including parents, guardians and neighbours.

Speaking at the recent State of the Region Address (Sora), Ya Ndakolo noted that, despite statistics showing a decline in reported rape cases compared to last year, the trend of gender-based violence (GBV) against children by those entrusted with their safety remains disturbing.

“The perpetrators of GBV are mostly relatives, guardians and neighbors. This is indeed disturbing. Therefore, I am reiterating that we must all redouble our efforts to fight crimes. Let us utilise various means, such as education and awareness campaigns in schools and other public places," the governor said.

“However, most importantly, let us strive to raise our children in the right way at home. When the children are raised in a correct manner, they will surely grow into responsible members of society.”


In 2018, Oshikoto recorded the highest number of rape crimes committed against minors, with 39 cases reported to the police.

The governor stated that during the last quarter of the financial year under review, reported rape cases declined by 58%, suicide cases by 21%, and cases of reported stock theft also declined by 53% compared to the same quarter of the previous financial year.

“While this is a positive development, the concern remains that most of the GBV cases, such as rape, are perpetrated against minors by the people who are supposed to actually take care of those children," he said.

In January, Namibian Sun reported that police in the Oshikoto Region were investigating a case of a 39-year-old man accused of raping his 15-year-old teenage daughter.

In March, the Oshikoto police said they were investigating a case involving a 10-year-old girl who was allegedly raped by her 43-year-old biological father.

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Namibian Sun 2025-03-09

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