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Proverbs 31 as a professional woman - Part 29

Dear loyal readers, I trust that you’re blessed and highly favoured.

Last week we briefly reflected on the transformational impact of this column on workplace culture. In part 28, I highlighted that in 2024, this column broadened our understanding “that in the morning, you don’t pray and leave God at home."

Why does this matter?

Because at all times, God is always present; it’s up to you to decide what to do with His Presence – you can read part 28 for more context on this topic.

Before we delve into success principle 10 for Proverbs 31 as a professional woman, I invite you to join me as we reflect on some of our actions that we take that grieve, disrespect and dishonour God in both our private and professional lives.

I’m inclined to start the discussion by looking at the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis 37. Joseph was uniquely loved and favoured by Jacob because he arrived in Jacob's old age – but this favouritism and the ornate robe he made for him led to problems among Joseph’s siblings.

Sometimes favouritism plays out at home (as family members) or in the workplace and this creates tensions in a team as well. May we repent for the seeds of division and provocation towards jealousy that we might have sown (knowingly or unknowingly) through favouritism at home or in the workplace.

Genesis 37:5-11 reveals the dreams that Joseph had. I observed that in the first dream, Joseph and his brothers were all sheaves of grain, and the only difference was that the sheaves of grain that represented his brothers bowed to Joseph. In the second dream, Joseph and his brothers were all stars – the difference being that they bowed to him (with the sun and the moon representing his parents).

Those with eyes will see that all the siblings had great destinies. The sheaves of grain represented a symbol of harvest and new beginnings. As stars, they were all intended to shine, but the mere fact that one star (Joseph) was set apart to rule became a point of discontent and provoked jealousy.

In any given context, whether at home or at work, we’re all surrounded by people with different gifts, educational advancement, skills, talents, experiences, graces and anointing. These are qualities that God blessed each individual with for the fulfilment of their unique assignment and purpose in life.

Yet, jealousy, envy and fear lead some people to waste so much time on trying to use darkness to stop, block, hinder, delay or frustrate others from moving in their Godly purpose.


Because of the misguided notion that the other person will “outshine” them.

Since all glory is unto God in all things (1 Corinthians 10:31), this matter of outshining each other becomes a fallacy, and the jealousy and envy become a reflection of the insecurity and inner smallness that a person needs to work on.

In the case of Joseph and his brothers, it took a long-winded path for them to be reunited (Genesis 42-50). This reunion only came at the time when God had elevated Joseph to his predestined position of being a ruler (second only to Pharaoh-Genesis 41) and with his brothers eventually bowing down to him – as initially revealed and intended by God.

God’s plans and purposes prevailed (Proverbs 19:21) and God allowed everything to happen against Joseph for the greater good (Genesis 50:15-21).

May we repent for the things that we have said or done to stand in the way of God’s plans, purposes and promises for someone else’s life.

Sometimes these evil and wicked actions are the reason why some people don’t prosper (Joseph’s brothers ultimately faced a famine).


Because they are abusing God’s children, not realising that God will promote that same person whom they’re looking down on – to an elevated position where they cannot do anything to stop it (Psalm 23:5).

The books of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel are a reminder that no matter how long the rebellious and the wicked have prospered in their ways, God’s judgement comes at an appointed time. Jeremiah 12 and Ezekiel 12 specifically remind us that God uses punishment and discipline to bring people to repentance, to uproot and destroy those who refuse to change their evil ways and certainly to redeem His own children who have held on to His promises – despite the trials and tribulations.

May we confess our sins to God, ask for His forgiveness, repent and receive more of His love, mercy, goodness and grace instead of punishment and destruction.

In God’s love and out of His mercy, may His light enlighten us about salvation and reconciliation to Him through our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1).

May God give us grace to make the right decisions that glorify Him.

Remain blessed and encouraged by God’s love.



'Proverbs 31 as a Professional Woman' under the theme 'Embodying and Manifesting Godly Wisdom, Success Principles and Effortless Femininity in the Workplace' is not posited on trying to read the professional woman into Proverbs 31 because this will produce an absurd result. However, I have opted to take a principles-based approach that widens the scope to be applicable to any professional woman – regardless of her age or status.

This column has previous articles titled 'A New Season', 'Seeing God’s Glory Through My Tears' and 'Proverbs 31 as a Professional Woman' (the introduction as well as parts 1 to 28) – all published by Namibian Sun newspaper.

I welcome your comments, inputs, queries or concerns. Kindly address them to [email protected]


Namibian Sun 2025-03-14

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