DECLINE: The sheep sector recorded a drop in overall marketing activities by 6.7% in the third quarter of 2024. Photo: FILE
DECLINE: The sheep sector recorded a drop in overall marketing activities by 6.7% in the third quarter of 2024. Photo: FILE

Livestock marketing shows mixed trends in third quarter

Ellanie Smit
Livestock marketing activities recorded mixed trends during the third quarter of 2024 as a result of contractions among major marketing segments of the industry.

This is according to the Livestock and Livestock Products Board (LLPB), which said cattle marketing during the third quarter increased by a marginal 1.5%, with 99 451 cattle marketed compared to 98 016 heads marketed during the corresponding quarter of 2023.

It said the growth recorded is attributed to improved throughput at export-approved abattoirs, which increased by 23.3%.

Also worth noting, it added, is that export-approved abattoirs north of the veterinary cordon fence performed relatively well during the third quarter, with the Rundu abattoir slaughtering 1 017 animals while Katima Mulilo abattoir slaughtered 957.

“Regrettably, the demand for local weaners by South African feedlots and farmers declined during the quarter.”

This led to a subsequent decline in the number of animals exported on hoof, recording a total of 47 714 heads exported - which is 7.7% lower than the 51 690 heads exported during the third quarter of 2023, it said.

Downward pressure

Year-on-year, livestock prices within the cattle sector faced downward pressure and recorded lower levels during the quarter, it said. On the meat trading front, beef exports totaled 6.6 million kilograms during the first two months of the third quarter, growing by 60.8% and bringing year-to-date total beef exports to various destinations to 17.3 million kilograms, which is 66.2% higher than the 2023 level.

The European Union market absorbed 50.2% of total beef exports, while South Africa, the United Kingdom and Norway took up 22.7%, 16.4% and 8.3% respectively as top destinations.

On the other hand, year-to-date beef imports primarily in the form of processed and offal products are down by 0.6%, pointing to a marginal reduction in availability of locally produced offal, it said.

According to the LLPB, the sheep sector recorded a drop in overall marketing activities by 6.7% as a result of a decline across all marketing segments during the third quarter. "Live exports of sheep for the first time this year fell by 4.1%, with only 144 045 animals exported during 2024 compared to 150 175 animals exported during the corresponding quarter of 2023."

Meanwhile, the goat sector witnessed a decline of 2.9%, with a total of 45 860 goats being marketed during 2024 compared to 47 225 goats marketed during the same period in 2023.

“The contraction is owed to a fall in live exports and slaughtering at local abattoirs,” it noted.

A total of 12 434 pigs were marketed at LLPB-approved abattoirs during the third quarter of 2024, which is 12.5% more than the 11 053 pigs marketed during the corresponding quarter of 2023.


Namibian Sun 2025-03-09

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