Vox Pops

With the elections taking place later this year, the My Zone team asked learners whether they think it is important to participate in elections.
Tangeni Hatutale

I think it is quite important for the youth to partake in elections because it doesn’t only create a sense of national identity – the belief that you are responsible for the elected leaders – but also allows the country to function more democratically. Every vote not only counts but also contributes to the eventual leadership of the country.

Sirkka Shangheta

I do believe that the youth should vote, and its importance lies in the fact that the youth are the people most affected by the outcomes of the elections. So whether or not we do get jobs and proper facilities, be it hospitals or schools, the youth will have to live within that reality the longest. If you want the best outcomes, we should vote for the change we want to see.

Nee-Thanks Uupindi

I do believe it is important for the youth to vote in elections. It gives you, as a young person, the chance to express your opinion on who should be in charge. Regardless of whether the person or party you support ends up winning your vote, it informs the decisions of everyone in office.

Lady-Diana Ekandjo

Voting is important because it enables the youth to take part in serious decision-making because, most of the time, the youth think those important decisions are just for the elders. Voting for the leader will hopefully enable you to bring about the change you want to see.

Khloé Kandorozu

We are the future generation. The current parties are controlled by the older generations and showing them our vote matters will make them more keen to listen to what we want for the country and for the future. It is really important that the youth vote for a party that will change the economy and the quality of life for the better.

Johanna Shikongo

We need to understand that we live in a world where the right to vote for many people is being taken away. Many countries have become politically unstable. We live in a country where we still have this right, and we need to take advantage of it. We must understand how politics work. When adults tell us we are the future, we need to tell them what future we want.


Namibian Sun 2025-03-17

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