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  • Hardap Region records 50.2% drop in domestic violence cases in 2024
CONCERN: Police Deputy Commissioner John Mwatongwe says the ongoing drug problem, particularly in Rehoboth, remains a significant concern in the Hardap Region. PHOTO: JEMIMA BEUKES
CONCERN: Police Deputy Commissioner John Mwatongwe says the ongoing drug problem, particularly in Rehoboth, remains a significant concern in the Hardap Region. PHOTO: JEMIMA BEUKES

Hardap Region records 50.2% drop in domestic violence cases in 2024

Rise in murders concerns police
Despite concerns such as the rise in the drug trade, collaborative efforts have led to a 45% decline in stock theft in the Rehoboth area.
Elizabeth Kheibes
The Namibian Police in the Hardap Region have reported a significant drop in crime for 2024, marking a promising start in the region's ongoing efforts to combat crime.

Overall crime in the region fell by 10.7% in 2024 compared to the previous year, head of the regional crime investigation division in the region, Deputy Commissioner John Mwatongwe, said during a media briefing on Wednesday.

Of the 4 156 crimes reported, 914 cases were the result of proactive crime prevention efforts by the police, including operations targeting drunk driving, drug possession and trafficking, and illegal hunting. These cases accounted for 21.9% of the total incidents in the region.

Violent crimes, which have long been a major concern, also showed a noticeable decline. Assault with grievous bodily harm (GBH) decreased by 5.9%, while robberies dropped by 16.1%.

Domestic violence, a significant societal issue, saw a noticeable 50.2% reduction. However, the region continues to face challenges in fully addressing gender-based violence, despite the progress made, the police said.

While positive strides have been made, certain crimes remain persistent threats. Stock theft, a recurring issue in the region, dropped by 35.9% in 2024 but continues to demand focused attention.

"We have seen promising signs in 2024, with a reduction in crime across several categories. However, we cannot afford to rest on our laurels. Every life lost, every crime committed, is one too many," Mwatongwe said.

Spike in murders, drugs

The police are also concerned about a sharp rise in murder cases, which saw a 58.8% increase, with 10 recorded homicides.

Despite the decline in attempted murders, which fell by 62%, the increase in murders has raised alarm among local authorities.

The ongoing drug problem, particularly in Rehoboth, remains a significant concern. Rehoboth has become a focal point for drug-related crime, accounting for nearly half of the region’s total reported crimes in 2024. Earlier this month, more police reported five drug-related cases in the southern town.

In total, police confiscated a substantial amount of illegal substances, including 952 mandrax tablets, 14 132 grams of cannabis and cocaine, with an estimated street value of N$918 490. The seizures led to the arrest of 95 men, 16 women and one juvenile.

Positive trends

Despite the challenges posed by the drug trade, the police are seeing some success. Efforts such as Operation Black Mamba, as well as partnerships with community groups like the Rehoboth Community Crime Prevention and local neighbourhood watch programmes, have contributed to the decline in stock theft by 45.3% in the Rehoboth area.

"Our efforts are far from finished, and we must continue to be vigilant. The fight against crime requires the collective strength of our officers and the communities we serve. Together, we can make Hardap Region a safer place for everyone,” Mwatongwe said.


Namibian Sun 2025-03-14

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